Exeter School Family Society Constitution

The Exeter School Family Society is a parent-led society working in association with, but independent of, Exeter School.

Aims of the society:

· Primary aim to bring the school community together through organised events and activities.

· Although secondary to the primary aim, the society also aims to raise funds for charity donation and to provide donations for activities and equipment for Exeter School pupils outside those reasonably expected to be provided by the school itself in its education capacity.

The officers of the Exeter School Family Society shall have the power to do anything considered by them to be in furtherance of the aims but remembering that they are there to represent the views of the parent community, as represented by those engaging with the regular Exeter School Family Society All-Member Meetings.

· The membership consists of volunteers from the parents/guardians/carers of children attending Exeter School.
· There are no set rules about the size of Exeter School Family Society, and it is up to the members to decide how large/small the society should be.

The Exeter School Family Society will be led by a committee of at least 3 people, one of which will undertake the role of Chairperson and one Treasurer. The exact number and roles on the committee is determined by the members. Where consensus is not forthcoming on committee positions, a simple majority vote of those present at one of the regular All-Member Meetings of the Exeter School Family Society, will determine the outcome.

All-Member Meetings:
· The Exeter School Family Society will have All-Member Meetings throughout the school year, with a minimum of 2 per school term.
· Meetings will be open to all those who wish to participate and will be publicised at least a week in advance, via the school through all-school parent communications, as well as using any closed social media groups associated with the society.
· As long as an All-Member Meeting has be publicised in-line with the above, no quorum will be required to hold the meeting, however, the committee has the right to cancel or postpone any meeting where it is felt not enough members are present to undertake the order of the day within the aims and spirit of the society.
· School representatives will be invited to attend all Exeter School Family Society All-Member Meetings.

Finances and Governance:
· The financial and governance aspects of the Exeter School Family Society will be the responsibility of the committee, but will be open to inspection, on request, by the members or representatives of Exeter School.
· The Treasurer is tasked with maintaining the appropriate financial records and keeping the committee informed on all financial matters.
· The Exeter School Family Society will not incur any debt, take out any loans, make investments or make any financial commitments beyond its available credit.
· Any member planning on incurring expenditure, or making a financial commitment, on behalf of the Exeter School Family Society, needs written approval in advance, from the Treasurer.

Distribution of profits:
· Any distribution of monies that have been accrued from profits from Exeter School Family Society activities, or from donations, will be at the discretion of the committee and approved at an All-Member Meeting. These distributions will be split 50% to agreed charity(ies) and 50% towards activities or equipment which will benefit the Exeter School community and would otherwise not normally be reasonably expected to be provided by Exeter School.
· Any deviation from the 50:50 profit distribution outlined above for a specific activity, or in general, needs the approval of Exeter School Family Society members at an All-Member Meeting.

Code of Conduct:
In undertaking activity as part of the Exeter School Family Society all members are expected to act within the law and in accordance with the Code of Conduct

Changes to the Constitution:
Changes or additions to the Constitution must be agreed at an All-Member Meeting

In the event that the Exeter School Family Society ceases to exist, any remaining funds will be automatically distributed in line with the Constitution.